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Dr. Yoshiteru MUTO of Bone and Joint Japan receives 69th National Health Culture Award

Bone & Joint Health Japan is proud to announce that Dr Yoshiteru MUTO, a founding member and director, was awarded the prestigious Health Culture Award for his achievement to advance academic research on falls amongst the elderly which often leads to bone fracture, bedridden state and nursing care across many different social fields. During Dr Muto’s career he established mainstream recognition of the need for preventive measures and is also commended in the Award for publication of many academic books as well as educational activities contributing to both learning and practice areas. He is professor emeritus of the University of Tokyo and President of the Research Institute of Nippon Sport Science University.

This Award started in 1950 at a time immediately after the WWII by the initiative of The Dai-ichi Insurance Co Ltd and is supported by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare. The Award ceremony was held in Tokyo on October 12 2017, followed by an audience with the Imperial couple on the day after.

GMUSC would like to congratulate Dr Yoshiteru Muto for his outstanding achievement and contribution to the advancement of care for the elderly.