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Update on ICD-11

G-MUSC supported the WHO ICD-11 Musculoskeletal Topic Advisory Group and since its release ICD-11 has been undergoing its maintenance phase

ICD–11 is the international standard for systematic recording, reporting, analysis, interpretation and comparison of mortality and morbidity data ( ). The 11th revision is the result of an unprecedented collaboration with clinicians, statisticians, classification and IT experts from around the world, making it useable by these groups as well as by coders.

ICD–11 allows countries to count and identify their most pressing health issues by using an up-to-date and clinically relevant classification system. Health conditions and accidents are assigned ICD–11 codes, resulting in data that can be used by governments to design effective public health policies, and measure their impact, or used for clinical recording. 

ICD–11 is a vast improvement on previous revisions. It reflects critical advances in science and medicine, aligning classification with the latest knowledge of disease treatment and prevention. There is more meaningful clinical content than ICD–10.

Since its release ICD-11 has been undergoing its maintenance phase. The ICD maintenance process allows the updating of the ICD following the evolution in the understanding of diseases, treatments, and prevention. It also ensures improvements and clarifications coming from daily use of ICD, and requests by Member States. The proposal platform allows experts to suggest changes or additions to ICD–11 that can be viewed and discussed transparently online and then reviewed by medical scientific and clinical advisory committees. 

G-MUSC Executive member, Prof Tony Woolf is on the Medical Scientific Advisory Committee. This committee considers all elements within ICD-11, not just the MSK codings.
Proposals on MSK codings are encouraged. People wanting to make proposals need to register and set up an account.  Go to and click on “Register”.