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WHO launch ICOPE Handbook Second edition

The second edition of the ICOPE Handbook: “Integrated care for older people handbook: guidance for person-centred assessment and pathways in primary care” has been launched by WHO.
Prepared by Yuka Sumi, Rachel Albone and Anshu Banerjee of the World Health Organisation Ageing and Health Unit, Department of Maternal, Newborn, Child & Adolescent Health & Ageing, the work includes contributions from WHO staff from regional offices and technical units, along with experts in ageing and health and the care and support of older people. G-MUSC’s Andrew Briggs and Tony Woolf made contributions to the work.
The ICOPE Handbook provides a resource to support health workers to put recommendations into practice in primary care in the community. The update incorporates the latest WHO recommendations and is informed by experience and learning in different resource settings.
Download the Handbook HERE
